SPLIT X ( present simple aff,neg and int.)

Dec 04

Holidays finish and ... school starts again. We are doing some grammar. Yes, I know it's boring
but...necessary, or so say teachers!

Let's defeat it!
But peacefully, using our intelligence!

1. Read the table and complete the sentences.


I drink
You drink

He drink
She drink
It drink

We drink
You drink
They drink
I don't drink
You don't drink

doesn't drink
doesn't drink
doesn't drink
We don't drink
You don't drink
They don't drink
Do I drink?
Do you drink?

Does he drink?
Does she drink?
Does it drink?
Do we drink?
Do you drink?
Do they drink?

1. En present simple, a la
forma afirmativa, el verb en 3a persona del singular (he, ___, ___)
ha de dur una _______ o ______.

2. Per fer la
forma negativa posem ____________ o ___________ davant el verb en ____________.

3. El ordre a les
oracions interrogatives en present simple és el següent:
Primer l'auxiliar _________ o ___________, desprès el _________ ,
el verb en______________ amb els seus complements i el signe de interrogació.

2. Ask your teacher and copy the corrected exercise on your notebooks.

3. Now do the following activities:
A) Affirmative:

a, b, c

B) Negative:

a, b, c

c) Questions:

a, b

d) Short answers:

e) Mixed types:

a, b

Ara pots fer una prova. A la primera pantalla has de triar les opcions, al manco has de fer la prova de "5 parts" and "maximum of 15 questions" . Hi ha un apartat de negatives que et demana la forma llarga, escriu la forma curta que hem practicat a classe i desprès crida'm abans de continuar. No oblidis apuntar la teva puntuació al quadernet de desdoblaments.

Time for a game? Try this one:

Great work! See you next week!

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